The fourth Reich

More and more people are noticing a network of corruption throughout the world. It has members in all the military organizations, the entire five eyes is so caught up now that they have been dubbed the five eyes terror group. The FBI and RCMP are not safe even according to their own top people. The judiciary is so completely corrupted that it can’t be trusted at all anymore. High tech weapons testing is being done on innocent vulnerable citizens, they used to call this Havana Syndrome but it has since spread to the entire world. There are literal gangs of organized stalkers targeting and gaslighting random innocent people for no apparent reason. Psyops and MK-Ultra like mind control experiments are rampant.


The explanation is actually quite simple when you look back on history. The Nazi ideology indoctrinated terrorists were doing all of these things leading up to and during WWII. After the war was supposedly won by the allies, the United States carried out a secret operation called Operation Paperclip which brought 1600 Nazi war criminals into the USA and gave them asylum from the judicial tribunals and gave them jobs in the military and intelligence communities. A critical mass of the most heavily indoctrinated of these terrorists got together in secret and began planning to inflict the fourth Reich upon the world. They learned from the mistakes of Adolf Hitler and did all of this in secret, by gradually shifting the cultures of the most essential social infrastructures so that they could be more easily controlled. They instilled mafia like values upon the otherwise legitimate agencies so gradually that very few people even noticed. The ones who did begin to suspect what was really going on, met untimely ends in peculiar “accidents”.

It is now almost 80 years later and the infiltration of the world by the secret “unnamed” fourth Reich is nearly complete. There are few places in the world that remain untouched by the Nazi ideology. Despite the rampant proliferation of this ideology, nobody will ever refer to it by the name it used in 1945 because everyone now knows that “Nazi” is a bad thing. But Nazi ideology by any other name, or in this case by no name at all, is just as destructive to humanity. A new holocaust is upon us and the targets are the most vulnerable people in society.

The only way out of this rapidly deteriorating hell is to see things for what they really are. Let your newfound knowledge of this bring you the gift of sight to understand the nature of your own actions and the motivations of those around you. Let there be light!


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